Well, you should probably first bear in mind I’m not a Marxist. So if it only makes sense in that context, it’s not surprising.
If it’s something else I’m missing, could you please explain?
You really just need to do something as simple as replace “Jew” or any invocation of the Jewish Identity with any other. There is no particular uniqueness to who the subject is. The uniqueness is only given because it’s a response to an essay Marx is dismantling by Bruno Bauer about Jews. Namely that religion itself should be abolished. But as Marx points out: this is itself a contradiction in emancipation. The State declaring an identity or a religion illegal or non-existent (as say: the Japanese to the Ainu, where for a very long time the Ainu were denied their identity and everyone acted as though they were proper Yamato Japanese until very recently) merely replicates and does not absolve the fundamental conflict of The State fashioning itself to be as one group, vs those within its legal borders who do not share that.
The Civic Emancipation of the Jews (or, the Palestinians in this relevant case) is thus dependent on Isreal abandoning its identity as being a Jewish State first, as emancipation for the Jews is dependent on Germany and France abandoning their identities as being a Christian (protestant, lutheran, or catholic) State first. Or elsewhere in history and location: South Africa abandoning its identity as being a White state to emancipate the majority black population.
The next phase is the social emancipation, which is simply to end the charade of discrimination. To the Jews: to no longer perceived Jewishness as being shrewd, cunning, and so on. Apply this to anyone for negative or positive stereotypes. Blacks must no longer be seen as lazy. Whites must no longer be seen as strivers. Muslims no longer seen as backwards and violent. Repeat ad-naseum until:
Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.
This is of course a revolutionary project to perform over time, a generation, generations. Because it has to fight with two institutions at the center of this issue being discussed: Isreal and Palestine. Both in the fashioning of their national mythos they must for one need or another create an exclusivity of the other. And this isn’t something that emerges organically from the Earth, but descends from the State apparatus of either, whether it be the Isreali Government, the Palestinian Authority, or Hamas. But the defeat of them is a long-term thing. So in the meantime it does just come down to this simple logic:
Isreal is the imperialist power pressing its national mythos to make profitable gains for its sons at the expense of a defenseless people ran through the ringer and who may be materially destroyed, so we must support Palestine to the point the workers of either will overthrow either state and liquidate the entire concept of Palestine and Isreal.