
The quest of the nationalist project is standardization of the “nation”. Whether it is language, religion, weights & measures, or what have you. Both as the creation of the validation of the national mythos, and to refine the internal markets which undergird the nationalist project. A market divided between the owning class in a divided region can not stand, in the spirit of Lincoln’s House Divided.
But where House Divided was the destruction of an older structure of production to pave the way to the national dominance of a singular competing mode of production - northern financial-industrial capital over southern agrarian slavery - the Isreali project is comparable essentially to the American conquest of the West, even though declaring the Palestinians as under-developed as the American aboriginals compared to Isreal is insulting. It is in this case fundamentally the same: transforming someone else’s land to a “national good”, nationalizing it under the flag of Isreal so it can be developed and distributed out to the Isreali middle and financial class. The Palestinians are just in the way, because according to the Isreali mythos they do not belong. And directly or indirectly the Isreali national project is supported by many globe-striding powers and not even all Arab nations fully support the Palestinians.
This is of course also hypothesis from critical analysis of similar historical patterns elsewhere.
Sky funeral
Seriously, what is Israelis and Palestinians fighting for?
The quest of the nationalist project is standardization of the “nation”. Whether it is language, religion, weights & measures, or what have you. Both as the creation of the validation of the national mythos, and to refine the internal markets which undergird the nationalist project. A market divided between the owning class in a divided region can not stand, in the spirit of Lincoln’s House Divided.
But where House Divided was the destruction of an older structure of production to pave the way to the national dominance of a singular competing mode of production - northern financial-industrial capital over southern agrarian slavery - the Isreali project is comparable essentially to the American conquest of the West, even though declaring the Palestinians as under-developed as the American aboriginals compared to Isreal is insulting. It is in this case fundamentally the same: transforming someone else’s land to a “national good”, nationalizing it under the flag of Isreal so it can be developed and distributed out to the Isreali middle and financial class. The Palestinians are just in the way, because according to the Isreali mythos they do not belong. And directly or indirectly the Isreali national project is supported by many globe-striding powers and not even all Arab nations fully support the Palestinians.
This is of course also hypothesis from critical analysis of similar historical patterns elsewhere.