
MAGAts really are scrambling to try and excuse Musk’s Nazi salute yesterday, usually inbetween shouts that ‘He’s being too obvious!’
Their latest cope is that “It wasn’t facsism, it was autism!”
I’ve seen train autism. I’ve seen video game autism. But Nazi autism? I believe it. I’m not memeing, I do in fact believe it exists and every last Trump supporter on the deep end of the spectrum with Nazi autism.
Sadly like everything else in their lives, that’s not an excuse no matter how much they say it does.
Hey guys you know how Trump is a whore to anyone who waves money in his face? Like, any money at all, down to single Washingtons? Well guess what industry has a lot of money? That’s right, the drug industry!
In only 1 and a half days in office Trump has already rolled back Biden’s order to lower prescription drug prices for Medicare and Medicaid recipients. 120 million Americans, more than a third of the country, enjoyed having their life saving drugs capped at over 4000% lower than what Big Pharma was gouging it at. Well it was fun while it lasted, because now Trump removed that cap and medicine is now set to go back up.
Congrats MAGA, you really are the eternal punchline.