
In Vino Veritas
Stien voters might be even dumber than Trump voters since Trump at the very least has a real shot at winning.
Nicole Stone experienced this firsthand as she knocked on doors in Trouper, Pa. After leaving a townhouse where a man had declined to make his wife available, she heard him yell out: “My wife is going to vote for whoever her husband says she’s going to vote for.”
I want to echo this. When phonebanking, each time my call list included a woman but a man picked up the phone, they aggressively informed me “this is a REPUBLICAN household,” refusing to let me speak with the woman on the call list. I wondered if it was a coincidence and am now certain it was not.
Our own media’s got a problem with “sane-washing” Trump to make him not look…well, like what he really is.It’s not surprising how much reach he has when all mainstream news is playing gatekeeper with information about him. It’s why I hesitate to call his supporters lost causes when they literally don’t and can’t know better. Not to say there aren’t many of them that prove to be that by being just as crazy, but I digress.
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