@Angrybrony speaking of
weird, how strange it’s become “
the most effective insult” particularly against the up and coming techbro demo. I don’t get it, “weird” used to be a good thing,
it meant you weren’t some apolitical ostriching pro-lib normie! Ron Paul, Ron Unz, Lew Rockwell,
all definitely weird funny old guys! And all the better to point out political corruption for it! What are these Ys/Millenials that became active after 9/11 yapping about? If someone called
me weird and I was campaigning, I would be like “You mean like Paul Reuben? Yeah, he’s a really cool guy! Weirdness is great, isn’t it? Now let’s see about getting everyone a pony, shall we? 😎”
Or maybe they prefer the
other Paul, Mr Zaloom!!! Even his name is weird and cool,
Isn’t the
weirdest thing of all that these modern technocrats want to be more dull and boring than their Pentecostal grandparents, and even actively stifle their creativity to force it that way? 🤔 I thought Thiel and Mercer and etc becoming open, active supporters would actually change the party for the better,
but instead it’s become more repressed and sexless than ever before! Whatever happened to these nerds wanting to build cyberpunk megacities where everyone can put frickin layzor beems on their arms, abandoning the weakness of the flesh and chroming the fuck up? I miss my pre-AI science obsessed tech nerds, now their new obsession
I blame shitty idle games like Cookie/Hero Clicker for ruining modern techbro mentality.