Their entire rhetoric is based off them being the aggressors, if you listen to the bullshit being spewed, there’s absolutely no talk about the reality of a civil war (loss of life, propriety, essential services due to broken supply lines, scorched earth tactics and ruthless kill or be killed 24/7 mentality), only the call to mindless action and “shooting the libs”. They’re LARPing as macho soldiers that don’t fear anything, but as the capitol riots have shown, once that delusion of a one-sided slaughter is broken, so are they. It’s really telling that Pence’s FBI escort lost their shit during his extraction, if an actual shootout had occurred, the aftermath would’ve been traumatizing to both parties.
There’s a reason so much effort is put into IFF technology and basic decency to designate DMZs, avoid friendly fire and allow for medical help during conflicts. Civil war is unspeakably atrocious on a whole different level, without any of those being accounted for and an abundance of horrifically powerful weaponry in the hands of people that haven’t thought about consequences beyond the first 24 hours. Spoiler alert: “We’ll just do like in ‘The Purge’” ain’t gonna work. You don’t get to slaughter whoever you want then go home and act like nothing happened.
Civil war is not an option. Period. Enough with the machismo fantasy of “might makes right”, those shitstains weren’t even able to wear a gawddamn mask to protect their loved ones, they don’t get to act like they’re ready to see those with their brains blown all over the ground because someone thought they were ANTIFA from a distance and they only “trained” to shoot, not to have fuckin’ trigger discipline or standards of engagement.