Penguin Dragneel 

The Lady Lightbringer
They’re probably scared that it’ll make them look bad.
They’re probably scared that it’ll make them look bad.
Poor wording on my part. I did not mean the middle ages and ofc there were conflicts. But not a total lock like today.
I can see fault on both sides. This was an attempt at that.
True. I am probably not the best person to say it but the one that did nonetheless.
@Background Pony #7E8D
You get it. Thank you.
@Background Pony #9659
Of course there are always some. But he was elected, twice. Sadly he never did bring the hope and change he promised, just continued Bush policies.
@Background Pony #7E8D
Sadly. At least in America.
A Republican in Idaho raped a women, then tried to cover it up by seeing if he could get her arrested. Failing that, he had his attorney release a memo that named her so that his far-right hit squad of supporters could harass her. She’s 19, I believe.But these Q fucks still think it’s the dems who are the kiddie diddlers.
Okay, then perhaps, maybe other users in this thread should recognize this and stop acting like/treating their own opinions as fact, then?
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