Stupid stuff that comes to mind that we want to post


K-5 wins
windows: when do you wanna update to windows 11
me: how does the 32nd of nevember sound?


Time to get spooky
And I’m finally back. I went AFk to hang out with family, only to come home and violently vomit, which turned out to be due to a migraine that caused my limbs to go numb.


I miss Niko...
How to tell if someone is a fan of Pokemon: Hear whether or not they pronounce Pokemon as “Pokymon”


I miss Niko...
Hey, I’ll have you know I like Pokemon for other reasons in addition to their cute animal like features!
Hey, I’ll have you know I like Pokemon for other reasons in addition to their cute animal like features!


Apples and Pears
There is apparently a black bear on a tree in Magic Kingdom.
Florida, man. Literally a different planet.

Background Pony #152E
Crocs are the best shoes ever.

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