Stupid stuff that comes to mind that we want to post


K-5 wins
here’s a surreal thing to do: go back through your post history on the forum here
- I feel old
- it occurs to me I’ve repeated at least three posts within months of eachother.


K-5 wins
I’m starting to realize I have an annoying habit.
Whenever I feel I’m ready to share a new OC with the world it’s because the seed of a new OC is already growing in my mind.

Dirty Bit ![Thread Starter - Hazbin Hotel Thread [Possible NSFW/Dark] Thread Starter - Hazbin Hotel Thread [Possible NSFW/Dark]](https://derpicdn.net/badges/2017/7/2/0bd59d4eff9c3aeaad.svg)

That's him, officer
I wouldn’t call it annoying. It means you have a good creative process going


Explorer in Training
Being a viewer of Silksong subreddit for the lols (I have never played Hollow Knight), its kind of shocking to see them to go from comparing Silksongs fanbase to physical fan accessories to them being legit furious st Team Cherry for only tweeting a joke tweet.
It kind of gave me whiplash.

Butters Stotch 

I miss Niko...
As a Hollow Knight player, I understand it.
As a Hollow Knight player, I understand it.
Imagine waiting for a new game for 6 years without any kind of transparency and communication why it took so long.


Stormlight Archivist📔
From what I understand, or have been able to gather, (feel free to correct me if I’m getting anything wrong, here) the original Hollow Knight was initially released in a less-than optimal state, and the build of the game which exists now came after a massive load of post-launch QA that was released over the span of few years, which ended up creating expectations for the supposed sequel.
Even with that aside, Silksong’s development time isn’t all that farfetched, as far as Indie Metroidvanias go, due to them being some of the most labour-intensive.
Phoenotopia: Awakening was in development for seven years. Ghost Song and Owlboy went on for nine. Iconoclasts, for eleven (if you count the development period of the unfortunately-cancelled Ivory Springs prototype, eight years if you don’t).
And if Radio the Universe had made its tentative 2023 launch date, it would have been in production for thirteen years, instead of its current fifteen-year mark.

Dirty Bit ![Thread Starter - Hazbin Hotel Thread [Possible NSFW/Dark] Thread Starter - Hazbin Hotel Thread [Possible NSFW/Dark]](https://derpicdn.net/badges/2017/7/2/0bd59d4eff9c3aeaad.svg)

That's him, officer
I suppose I can concede to all of that. Even still, one would think that the folks at Team Cherry would give even the smallest teaser or update to tide the fans over.


Stormlight Archivist📔
@Dirty Bit
That’s also fair enough, the only other thing to come to mind where this has happened was the gap between KH3’s initial trailer, and the ones that came out years later.
That’s also fair enough, the only other thing to come to mind where this has happened was the gap between KH3’s initial trailer, and the ones that came out years later.


There are so many islamophobes in the UFC comments section on Facebook and Twitter because my bradas Islam Makhachev and Umar Nurmagomedov are main eventing this UFC PPV in California rn. :(


K-5 wins
it’s kinda weird watching older youtube videos only for names to be mentioned that were innocuous at the time but became big important names after the video was made.


Gordon Ramsay is in the Philippines right now.
I can’t wait for him to try and eat some of our street delicacies. Lumpia, Banana cue, and the infamous Balut lol.
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