@Darth Prime
They’re capable of thinking outside the box in ways that the battle droids are not. And any successful military campaign requires people who can think outside the box.
How about the more enhanced Battle Droids though(like the Ones introduced in Clone Wars that can Voice imitate Random Lifeforms & do Movements with their robotic Bodies) against Stormtroopers? Or the Magna Guards(more known as Grievous personal Guard)? :o
Im kind of surprised he would go for Watto. I mean he was not a very good person but he was not the reason his mom died. He already got the Sand People. I feel like he already had his vengeance.
I need to watch that show again. I loved it as a kid. The extra adventures of Anakin and Obi Wan especially since they sort of got over their edge. Sort of.
PS I kind of wish Battlefront showed some planets from the TCW.
“What if Windu killed Palpatine?” is an interesting what-if scenario because I’m tempted to believe a) it would’ve changed nothing, or b) things could’ve gone much worse given a power struggle between the Jedi, Palpatine loyalists and the Separatists would’ve been bloody.
You mean, if Windu had thought to consider Anakin’s shatterpoint.
What if Spurch (“Warhog”) Goa had prioritized loyalty and gratitude over the money Navik’s men offered him in exchange for Greedo’s death? Would Han Solo still have survived?
What if Count Dooku actually told Obi-Wan straight up in Geonosis that Palpatine is Darth Sidious & Kenobi then would’ve joined Dooku, what could the Scenario been in Theory? :o
I wonder what Palpatine did with that big senate building once he dissolved the senate?
@Background Pony #9A92
Pretty risky strategy. If Obi Wan didnt comply, Dooku would be alone. And Palpatine would probably skin him alive with the force for ruining the plan.