Legend of Zelda Thread

Cherry Blossom -
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Bronze Supporter - Bronze Supporter

Either the people of Kakariko Village (in Ocarina of Time) have a really good filtering system for their drinking water, or they’ve been ignorant of what’s been under the well…
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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sata Andagi!
Just started playing Tears of the Kingdom.

Personally I prefer Zelda with long hair as opposed to short, just sort of a personal preference.
Also it’s pretty amusing seeing her taking pictures with her mini Sheikah Slate like she’s Instagraming for her followers.
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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sata Andagi!

Poor Link, after everything him and Zelda went through to defeat Calamity Ganon it ended up being for nothing as Ganondorf would end up returning anyways, plus Link losing Zelda and his arm in the process.
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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sata Andagi!
Geez this game keeps introducing some game breaking ability. You can pick up and glue objects together, fuse objects with your weapons, phase through ceilings, and rewind time on things; this is already more then I was prepared for, makes the Sheikah Slate look like a joke (though you can’t use remote bombs).
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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sata Andagi!

It’s nice to see Purah again after all this time, and she’s grown since (considering she de-aged herself originally)
Also Robbie looks like he hasn’t changed at all, I wonder what his secret is?
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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sata Andagi!
Soooo did Zelda dismantle all the Guardians or something? There’s not a trace of them anywhere in Hyrule or near the castle. (I get the Zonai are suppose to be their replacements in the game, but I mean a little continuity wouldn’t hurt)
Sure why not, it wouldn’t be the first time they recycled character models for their new game.
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Cherry Blossom -
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Bronze Supporter - Bronze Supporter

Seriously, I actually expected both Robbie and Impa to have passed away. At least my prediction on Paya becoming the new chief/leader/something of Kakariko came true.
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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sata Andagi!
I am SO glad I don’t have to climb up towers anymore just to activate the maps, then again thanks to the Ascend ability I probably wouldn’t have had to climb much anyways. Still it makes filling out Hyrule’s map easier and I get to launch myself up and paraglide around.
Also nice to know Hudson has built his own construction company after he was finished with Tarrey Town, and I think this is his son?
Eurvos Morgenbrise
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Heaven-Sent Planeswalker
Just his name. Not many characters have surnames, only one has a middle name we know of, while the rest either only their forenames are known, or they only have one name in the first place.
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Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sata Andagi!
Apparently trees can just get up and attack you now, Hyrule sure has it’s share of strange enemies.
Also not only is Robbie still around, so is Impa as I just ran into her along my travels.
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Cherry Blossom -
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Bronze Supporter - Bronze Supporter

@Eurvos Morgenbrise
They fixed the issue on 3DS by A: having the iron boots be assigned to an instant-equip button, and B: marking the pathways that led to each water-changing station. (And I swear I actually beat the temple on 3DS once without looking up a guide this way!)
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