@Dex Stewart
Let’s be honest; Digimon is the perfect venue for this kind of parody, and the most hilarious part of it is:
The people who normally say they want this kind of thing in entertainment saying “Everything is x” while wagging their fingers at the computer monitor while type are the ones complaining as per-usual showing how they’re hypocrites, because it’s not the way they would want it done.
I’ve seen for months and shown in a thread of Japanese artist being treating terribly by a gangs on Twitter that imbibe in:
Appropriating characters from another country and telling artist of that very same how they allowed to create works of them,
Projecting what traits onto characters or saying artists they don’t like are doing bad things and they’re “calling attention” it which causes
Harassment to the point many have they deleted their work and accounts and make it hard for people that liken their art-style to find and support them to no satisfaction to the ones that caused it. All the while having seem some try and pimp their patreon as along with “fixed” art of “offensive” designs.
Also, from what I heard, the fanfic reading was kinda cringe.