Fetishes [NSFW]

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Howdy 4 All
Today I’ve found there is Rule 34 of the Big Sis Dimi puppet from the Japanese Resident Evil: Village puppet show commercials.
I decided to scar all of you with this knowledge as well.
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the hijab is a cultural garment meant to represent “modesty”, right?
Wouldn’t a miniskirt and thigh-highs kinda work against that sort of thing?
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

I obviously got a fart fetish judging by my uploads, but I dunno…I honestly find my particular tastes different from most other fart fetishists.
Like for most it seems to be the “dirty” or “smelly” aspects or the fact that women aren’t supposed to fart. But honestly over-graphic and grossout descriptions of the smells and sounds are extremely unattractive and kind of nauseating for me. Same goes for the character acting overly abrasive and crass and bragging about how bad her farts smell, what she ate, etc.
But for me I don’t really know what to call my take on the fetish. For me it’s the completely different attraction to the female body expelling or shooting out gas or air. I guess that’s also some shades of inflation too, but I dunno really how to describe it.
That is also the reason why silent/airy hissers are the sexiest kind of fart for me, because they imply gas being shot out with power and force, especially when it’s a loud hiss. Lack of anal vibration can do stuff like blow skirts around or shoot a sharp, directed puff of gas into a flame to potentially make lighting a fart that much more impressive.
I’ve been called not a “real” fart fetishist before because of it and I wonder what this fetish could possibly be.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

I’ve been called not a “real” fart fetishist before because of it and I wonder what this fetish could possibly be.
In case there was any doubt that some people will gatekeep literally anything, here it is.
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

I always found it kind of hilarious the small about of times other fart fetishists discriminated against mine for being LESS weird and gross.
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Lol sorry ‘bout that. Just the best way I could describe it.
Needless to say I am slightly touchy about being gatekeeped myself for whatever reason, other fart fetishists simply not understanding my take on the fetish, etc. I’ve come across as dismissive of the more mainstream fart fetish tastes before, but not really my intent, lol.
But then again certain people pressuring me to draw my girls farting loud, smelly and disgusting and then not understanding why I wasn’t interested, was kind of annoying. Also something to deal with when you’re in the fandom for silent farts is most people enjoy them for the increased smelliness, not the smooth, sexy hiss they produce. But I digress.
But you seem pretty chill.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

That doesn’t surprise me. People with this fetish don’t seem to respond well to things outside the “norm” (even though fetishes, by definition are deviations from the norm). I don’t have too much experience being on the receiving end of that though. Mainly because I’m usually too self-conscious to write about the weirder things I like in the first place.
Speaking of self-consciousness, if you want to talk about this any more with me, maybe we can take it to PMs. I always feel like I’m grossing out 99% of this thread. :x
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