This thread is being locked.
It made sense for this to be here for awhile, and we did what we could to try to permit it without too many problems with Rule #0.
But, especially now that G4 is past and we’re well into G5, the largest jerks in the community have mostly moved on to other fandoms, or have metastasized into online celebrities such that if they ever stopped being jerks they would betray their followers so they will either never change, or their celebrity with disappear in a puff of magic dust as soon as they stop being jerks.
More importantly, unless the person being talked about is an actual celebrity, the very nature of this thread is Rule #0. And too often when offsite drama comes to this site - stuff that we have absolutely nothing to do with - stuff where users start attacking other users of the site - this is the thread where it lands and people who otherwise would probably never get a ban end up banned. Just because of stuff that happens in this thread.
Please don’t try to make another one of these threads. This one had a much longer run than it probably should have.