Pomegranates :P
@icicle wicicle 1517
This political correctness has been nothing but problematic to artists and content creators for some time now. I get the importance of spreading awareness towards sexual abuse and shit, but going after fictional work and other “offensive” work is a little too much. It’s not just “muh sexiZUM” that has become too pervasive. People have been getting canceled left and right over anything that some fucktards on Twitter deemed “offensive” to their fragile sensibilities that they seem to have no problem weaponizing.
This political correctness has been nothing but problematic to artists and content creators for some time now. I get the importance of spreading awareness towards sexual abuse and shit, but going after fictional work and other “offensive” work is a little too much. It’s not just “muh sexiZUM” that has become too pervasive. People have been getting canceled left and right over anything that some fucktards on Twitter deemed “offensive” to their fragile sensibilities that they seem to have no problem weaponizing.
If anyone thinks this is okay and that nothing is wrong, or even the right way to go looking forward. And not a bleak warning towards how ridiculously clownish slippery slope situation things have become. I dunno what people are on. Social media platforms have been enabling grifters, opportunists, scammers, and authoritarians under the guise of “activism” these days. Establishments have been empowering these useful idiots because they serve to further their influence. They are not for you nor are they helping any causes.