This handsome sleazy asian-latino sexy man-thing Joshua Fabia (pictured below)
On an interview, apparently made a bold claim that the Nevada State Athletic Board was telling his fighter Diego Sanchez to throw the fight 30 min before the bout, while having ZERO EVIDENCE for it, even after grilled by the interviewer for a straight answer. Here’s how it went down.
Sorry guys I need to vent this because I absolutely can’t think straight with this guy Fabia.
Interviewer: I’m looking for a direct answer–did they (the agents) tell Diego to throw the fight?
Well, so they way they did it was they were dangling their licenses (ID cards) and told Diego “You’re not trying to hurt this man (Diego’s opponent) are you Diego? You’re a sportsman Diego, you’ve been a good one Diego, you don’t have any malicious intent do you, Diego?”
Interviewer: Wait, that’s…
Fabia: You can call it what you want, but the Board has no business kicking everybody out and talk that type of shit 30 minutes before the fucking fight. Then on top of it, the last time Diego was a “Sportsman” he was a
wrestler so the first thing he does is go for the leg and he never throws a punch.
So you tell me, how come my fighter who has been training to strike for 10 weeks, didn’t throw a strike?
Interviewer: I…I can’t tell you but I–
Fabia: You see now what I’m getting at?
Interviewer: NOT AT ALL.
Tl;dr Joshua Fabia is literally blaming and accusing EVERYBODY ELSE BUT HIMSELF that Diego Sanchez, his trainee, has lost
every round he’s fought since hooking up with Fabia.