@Hollowfox The Worst
A lot of struggled of men in the straight department have nothing to do with LGBT or any other sexuality. Actually the struggles of straight men have to do with straight men and straight women. LGBT has no reason to mess with straights, a minority do out of spite.
In reality the straight market is imbalanced in itself. Women get a lot more dating opportunities, and are scored a lot higher, because men are simply too aggressive and desperate on average. Men are constantly undercutting and selling themselves short, so even less than desirable women have way more options than the average man, so much so that women usually don’t understand the problem, which for them their is none.
In reality women are doing nothing wrong, they’re making the best of a bad situation on them, they get harassed and pursued nonstop by guys that have no idea what they want. In reality nobody is owed a relationship or happiness. In the animal kingdom every other species has to compete and risk rejection, and potentially die without mating. Humans are the only species that feels entitled to be involved with a member of the opposite gender.
You got to make money, you got to hit the gym, and you got to realize that not everyone has a fair chance in this world. Women on the other hand simply don’t have to do anything to find a partner, men are just that aggressive and desperate. If anything women need to carry more guns, because of how aggressive and desperate incels can be.
I think the blackpill ideology is the truth. Evolution favors physical stature and resources, not the emotional well being of men.