“Wicked (2024)” has a 93% rating and an 8.1/10 score based on 97 critics reviews so far. Its verified audience score is already at an astonishingly high 99% rating. Apparently there was a fan early screenings on Monday night, which is the reason why the film already has over 2500 user ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.
Main reccuring antagonistic force for my post apokolypse science fantasy is going to be magitek computers that before Armageddon were there to enforce the medieval stasis and now they created successors who enforce the post apokolypse status quo, to the point that the first one shown is planning to renuke the region it controls to undo the regions recovery,
Gonna name the inventor of them Howard Todd because subtly is for fucking cowards,
The actor for the Falcon explains how his character can throw down with Red Hulk in the upcoming movie despite being a normie: he’s wearing an enhanced Wakandan power suit. So if/when he gets punched in the face, know that his goggles is why his head didn’t splatter.
I’unno mate, I think it’d be easier just to give him the super soldier serum.