…I have around 35,205 contributions on the Official TF2 Wiki. Yeah… I like TF2. Most of my work was related to making images. A lot of them like having to pose the character, add a facial expression and all that cool sort of jazz.
And that’s not even the Wiki with most contributions I did. I have around 100,000 contributions on the Official Smite Wiki. Though these were mostly audio uploads from the character’s voice lines (from themselves and the multiple skins available in the game). But I also helped including said files in pages that didn’t had the files linked, as well transcribing many of those voice lines in text-form.
Funnily enough, unlike TF2’s case, I almost never played Smite. I liked the game and played some matches, but I just did because, I don’t know, I knew how to extract audio files and just did the thing. The amount of missing files was pretty big on the Wiki. I took the “Fine, I’ll Do It Myself” meme to the extreme here.
I have other facts about myself but I’ll be posting separately… and perhaps not too often, so others may share their facts about them as well!