Automotive enthusiasts?

Big loud things on poles
Can I just say that a diesel cold start is easily one of the most satisfying things ever?

Pre-1932 US car fan
I’m tempted to say “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings”:


Giraffe superiority
based ssangyong musso, the underrated korean suv with indestructible 90s mercedes powertrain (unless its the 3.2 petrol v6)
based ssangyong musso, the underrated korean suv with indestructible 90s mercedes powertrain (unless its the 3.2 petrol v6)

Pre-1932 US car fan
Now that you say it, yeah, I never considered the thought, but Mussos are actually pretty cool.
Although since this one is from Belarus, I think it’s a Road Partner by TagAZ:

Ssangyong makes some pretty good 4x4s (the Korando is based off the Korean military jeep which in turn is based on the original jeep) their other cars are meh.
Although since this one is from Belarus, I think it’s a Road Partner by TagAZ:
Ssangyong makes some pretty good 4x4s (the Korando is based off the Korean military jeep which in turn is based on the original jeep) their other cars are meh.


Giraffe superiority
it came with that 2.9 litre mercedes inline 5 diesel, and that thing is bulletproof
it came with that 2.9 litre mercedes inline 5 diesel, and that thing is bulletproof


Giraffe superiority
it would be twice as popular if they slapped a mercedes badge on it, which is what it was essentially. a mercedes suv built by koreans


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Yes. I watch cold starts on YouTube all the time. Especially old trucks
Yes. I watch cold starts on YouTube all the time. Especially old trucks


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Fuckin’ Mint!!!
Yeah I have see them a bit. The guys are crazy. It’s a little sad to see trucks get abused, but it’s good content. Up north has the best rednecks! EPA be damned, OSHA be damned!
Much better than watching people like Streetspeed717 tear up a brand new TRX because he’s rich… he’s entertaining too though. It’s just 100% stupid and not funny
Fuckin’ Mint!!!
Yeah I have see them a bit. The guys are crazy. It’s a little sad to see trucks get abused, but it’s good content. Up north has the best rednecks! EPA be damned, OSHA be damned!
Much better than watching people like Streetspeed717 tear up a brand new TRX because he’s rich… he’s entertaining too though. It’s just 100% stupid and not funny


Giraffe superiority
my favorite has to be either junkyard digs or vice grip garage though
my favorite has to be either junkyard digs or vice grip garage though


Giraffe superiority
zip ties is good, but fuck neutral drop, i hate seeing stuff get destroyed
zip ties is good, but fuck neutral drop, i hate seeing stuff get destroyed


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Yep Vice Grip Garage is nice. The guy is clearly committed to rescuing abandoned cars and puts love/care into it. Seeing unloved abandoned cars is quite sad to me. And it’s great to see them roar back to life
Yep Vice Grip Garage is nice. The guy is clearly committed to rescuing abandoned cars and puts love/care into it. Seeing unloved abandoned cars is quite sad to me. And it’s great to see them roar back to life

Big loud things on poles
My 96 F350 took so long to crank over because it’s cold and I honestly though I was gonna have to use ether for the first time in a long time. I seriously need new glow plugs.


So the SSC Tuatara did their second and now this time a highly verified and closely monitored speed record today and it ran with a two directional speed of 282.9 MPH.
A much overestimation from their former “331 MPH” initially claimed record but nonetheless, this still beats Koenigsegg Agera RS’ 277 MPH record so a big ‘grats’ to the whole team!
A much overestimation from their former “331 MPH” initially claimed record but nonetheless, this still beats Koenigsegg Agera RS’ 277 MPH record so a big ‘grats’ to the whole team!

Big loud things on poles
You know what I just now remembered that I own but completely forget about? My MAZ and my Oshkosh. They’re parked on another part of my farm sort of away from everything else and I completely forget they even existed until I drove past the barn their stored in earlier. Two old military trucks just sitting their collecting dust. I’m likely gonna wheel my battery charger out tomorrow and see if I can get them started once more.


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Raptor R and V8 Cadillacs are coming out this week!
Best TRX video I’ve ever seen!
Hopefully you didn’t let those 2 sit for more than 1 year. Never good to let them sit so long without starting…
Best TRX video I’ve ever seen!
Hopefully you didn’t let those 2 sit for more than 1 year. Never good to let them sit so long without starting…

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