[bq="RainbowDash69"] "@RD4590":/forums/dis/topics/automotive-enthusiasts?post_id=4983489#post_4983489
I can't believe our government is punishing people for tuning diesel trucks illegally. We have failed as a society... now people will just go to "underground" places to get their DPF delete instead of professional shops. Almost like the prohibition era of alchohol [/bq]
Diesel is even dirtier than petrol. It generates not only carbon dioxide but also nitrous oxides, which are a major source of acid rain and acidification of farming soils. And that's the case even when it's just fully combusted. When you increase the fuel intake without upgrading the air intake, incomplete combustion creates carbon monoxide and carbon soot, which is where that black smoke comes from, and it's another source of pollution. What's more, carbon monoxide is toxic and was widely used by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.
So please, pen up your eyes.