In response to a fascinating question:
On a more personal note, I’m drawing again because it’s a part of my treatment plan for some medical stuff.
Back in March I had a stroke. I’m better now, and done with the physical therapy and am figuring out how to recreate a life with what still works. I’m in the lovely ‘long list of syndromes there is no treatment for’ phase, so my life is basically
this kind of endless bullshit.
So … I’m reteaching myself how to do things I used to love doing, like drawing. Like, just holding a pencil was a whole fetch quest with its own boss fight.
I’m finding a lot of the muscle memory is still there, though, which is really great. And the more I draw the better I feel, and so now I need to draw every day because if I draw I feel better. And if I don’t draw I feel worse. So I draw.
But now I’m getting tremors that my doctor says is normal, and just my muscles involuntarily cramping up and jerking while my brain rewires itself.
Soooo … this is the first time I’ve been able to draw a full comic page in … well, a long time. A long, long, long time.
And wow it felt AMAZING! Letters! I drew LETTERS! Look at all the L E T T E R S!
I used to work at a typeface foundary (we paid for the ‘a’ - use it!), and the font I used for this is based on Gabriola by John Hudson, co-founder of Tiro Typeworks. He created typefaces for Linotype, MicroSoft, and Adobe back in the day, especially for multilingual typography and typesetting. The flourishes in this typeface are absolutely delicious. The lowercase q and f, and how easy the o is to create literally backwards from every other character in the set makes this an absolute delight!
I hate the upper case i tho … still, a fun typeface.
Huh. Ok, the ADHD is kicking in really hard, so … yeah.
Anyway, so much fun to be drawing again ^_^ I’m going to do more sequential drawings I think!