Ideas that You Just Can't Get Out of Your Head


Prog rock pony
Misty betrays Opaline and strips her of all her magic revealing herself to be another one of Discord’s disguises. Hasbro never learns.


Prog rock pony
The mane 5 all dressed up as G4 villains. Sunny Starscout would obviously be Nightmare Moon. Izzy Moonbow would be Discord (probably because Discord saw a lot of Fluttershy in her). I haven’t decided on the rest. I bet someone else will do this very soon and they’ll do it a lot better than I would so I won’t draw this yet.
Also a G4 version of Where’d it Go featuring Coloratura and the CMCs.


Explorer in Training
Filly Rarity wearing the detective outfit from her favorite book.


Explorer in Training
G5 Equestria Girls crossover with The Longest Journey video game.
One fantasy world and the other a cyberpunk dystopian universe.

Background Pony #5D81
Woah, why would coloratura do such thing?!?


Prog rock pony
An alternate ending for season 9 where there’s no time skip and after Twilight’s coronation, a curtain falls and the mane six and spike enter with Twilight taking off her fake wings and the mane six and spike bowing to the audience, revealing that all of the events of the show were staged.


reformation is the best
i like to think that too, but some events were not staged
i like to think that too, but some events were not staged


reformation is the best
someone said that there is more evidence for chrysalis not being the mother of the changelings then there is but i still like to keep the idea, if not then i can say that chrysalis was just doing what other changelings queens have done for generations.


(Foil Hat)
@The Equestrian Zodiac
The original, or the censored anime version?
The original, or the censored anime version?
Presumably graffiti tagging walls with far-left propaganda?
Presumably graffiti tagging walls with far-left propaganda?


Everytime I get ahead
Idk dude, I just wanted to see a roller pony in a metropolitan area while a good rhythm sounds.
Idk dude, I just wanted to see a roller pony in a metropolitan area while a good rhythm sounds.

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