I think maybe if you take the original background and “wash it out” - make it look more silvery like something actually in the moonlight, you would then be able to even do things like animate lights where you want them, and add a small fire in the barn yard with logs around it. Even the trees could provide faint illumination to the scene.
It’s basically what the folks working on the show did - make as much use as they can from existing assets, and reuse things as much as you can.
I’ve never used IbisPaint, but I’m guessing that it has something like what I did in PhotoShop. And, what I did was maybe 5 minutes of poking at it - if you spend more time, I’m sure you can get something significantly cooler :)
I guess … if what I did looks like it’s heading the direction you’d like to go, please let me know and I’ll try to make a background that has the kind of contrast your first example has. No promises, but I’ll try to help :)