I wish it were as simple as just being late, but not only does my wound preclude me from getting close to my awful PC set-up (my keyboard is on my lap at the moment, and I’m using an xbox controller for my mouse), but when I attempted to draw in bed with my ancient laptop, my tablet pen shot out of its holder and behind my solid, immovable bed. I mean, I could yank it out enough to get my arm down the side in prime condition, but not like this. So, sadly, I don’t expect I’ll be capable of art before the picture is done, though I suppose we’ll see. At least I have writing.
That’s extremely kind of you all, thank you ^^ I’m not sure having someone else draw for me would make me feel like I was part of the project though, even if it’s an OC of mine… I’ll think more on it, though.
I am sorry.Maybe because of the network.The OC which I uploaded a month ago is missing,so I upload it again,I hope it’s not too late.I dont want to miss this collab.XD
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