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Help fund the $15 daily operational cost of Derpibooru - support us financially!
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Oh gee. What a wonderful insult. While set to anonymous.
You think I’m joking about the sword though?
There’s a good example. Even lists price for the material.
I have seen this piece of art on a few sites now,
just wow
I wanna see ya moon space rock sword, actually I think your parents should have invested into rubber when they were younger ;)
u know wat I mean ya special little trooper
Love ya
When you have a go at making one let me know how much it costs you _
Those prices simply aren’t believable. The time spent makes sense, for the first attempt.
Materials cost around $1000. Shipping is $500, and she took around 100 hrs :). If that helps
I…Can’t see $3000 being justifiable for time and materials… I can get a sword made by a master blacksmith out of space rocks for that price, maybe even less.. I doubt the materials cost as much as meteorites and the time as much as forging a sword from the raw ore.
That photo of the artist nuzzling Rainbow Dash is adorable. :3
Considering the time involved and cost in materials, this price is probably justifiable.
As for the plushie, I know someone who’d love one of these, although she’s not getting one.
(My daughter).
She’s never been able to decide on a favourite pony. Changes on a daily basis between Dash, Pinkie and Derpy.
Mine’s pretty obvious from my avatar, although I do have 2 other close second placers >>861005
My missus took an instant liking to Fluttershy as soon as she started talking in the first episode.
TL : DR-
:icontradesonhold: :iconcommissionsclosed: - See page & journal for details
Commission prices (for lifesize prices see below in pricing section)
Nazegoreng’s Plush Price List
Commission info: Commissions Policy - CLOSED
Lifesize Rainbow Dash Custom Plush
For: :iconnazegoreng:
Dashie was made from baby blue, cherry red, orange, sunshine, dark lime, azure and purple minky.
Her eyes and cutiemark were fully machine appliquéd (using my sewing machine, not my embroidery machine). They incorporate a variety of cottons and white satin. Her eyes are also airbrushed with a gradient.
Her pattern was designed by me.
She is 42 inches to the top of her hair. She has 3d hooves and 3d sculpted ears. Her entire body is fitted with an internal PVC skeleton so she can stand very well on her own. Her tail is also supported by PVC and it supports it’s own weight. Her hooves have poly pellets to further balance her. Her wings are wired to keep their position and shape. She has a zipper on her back and tail that were to help with the stuffing process. All of her legs, tail, side mane and most of her body are lined with heavy quilt batting to act as an internal skin, smoothing her out greatly and reducing wrinkling. She is stuffed with polyfill stuffing and foam.
Her element of harmony is removable via magnets and is made from spandex covered foam. I used this tutorial:
Please do not ask for the pattern, under no circumstance will I be giving it out.
I will not answer questions about pricing in comments. Prices are only via note. Lifesize mares with single colour mane/tail start at $3000AUD including shipping to the USA. Pricing may vary depending on the pony and your location. If you do not agree with my pricing please do not comment.
I’ve wanted to make a lifesize pony for over a year now, but I didn’t want to make one till I was absolutely 100% confident in my pattern. Making something this large and expensive wasn’t something I wanted to take lightly. I’ve spent several months researching, preparing and saving for her materials. It wasn’t an easy choice, but I ended up going with Dashie, who is IMO the best looking plush out of the mane 6 and a favourite of mine.
Using a projector I enlarged my pattern (which I had been editing to as close to perfection in my spare time as possible). I had to applique her eyes and cutiemark, since they were far too large for my embroidery machine. I actually think it turned out WAY better than embroidery would have. The colours are far more neat and solid, and I could get a great gradient.
Sewing her was very much like a regular pony, just using A LOT more pins and being a lot more time consuming. I added zippers to have secondary access areas to stuff her. I very much appreciated this later. I also learnt the hard way (seams popping) that I had to reinforce certain areas, so I had to totally unstuff her and re-sew those parts.
The PVC skeleton was definitely helpful. There is NO way she would stand without it. She is not ridable but she easily stands with her own weight. Having stuffed her once before, I thought that she looked too lumpy/wrinkly. I ended up making an inner skin out of heavy quilt batting, which made her SO much smoother, and it actually greatly reduced the amount of stuffing I needed to fill her out. Stuffing was incredibly painful and time consuming, I can’t say I enjoyed it XD.
From then on everything was pretty simple. Using a projector to enlarge my RD hair pattern, cutting, sewing, stuffing and attaching pieces. Similar to making a regular Dash, which isn’t too hard if you plan correctly. It was just very very time consuming.
Anyway I’ll probably go into greater detail when I post my - the making of - journal over the next few days.
PLEASE zoom in to check out her details
A big thanks to the following people:
:iconraycam01: for being amazingly supportive, helping me with the skeleton construction and photography (when I was in shot).
:iconfireflytwinkletoes: for helping me with my applique
:iconbuttercupbabyppg: for general tips and advice
:icondoublebackstitcharts: for general tips and advising me on 3d hooves