@Carter Resado
When I copied the description from DA over, I tried to make the laughing Pikachu image linked properly, but something must’ve changed in DA, the old simple link no longer works, and the image address on the linked page is crazy and includes a token that likely will expire over time if it even works for Derpi to begin with.
@Carter Resado
Ah, I see now. Some DeviantArt users put small images in their description (many of which are avatars that more or less function like emoticons/emojis) so the artist probably just used a picture of a laughing Pikachu in their description.
Good question, lol.
And oh, that explains it, lol ur first reply killed me tho with the spike I was dying xD
Is there another site developer named princess celestia? Lol
@Carter Resado
Yeah basically. It was a link to a picture of Pikachu laughing.
Oh, lol
Im lost, do u mean it was a link?
When I copied the description from DA over, I tried to make the laughing Pikachu image linked properly, but something must’ve changed in DA, the old simple link no longer works, and the image address on the linked page is crazy and includes a token that likely will expire over time if it even works for Derpi to begin with.
Ah, I see now. Some DeviantArt users put small images in their description (many of which are avatars that more or less function like emoticons/emojis) so the artist probably just used a picture of a laughing Pikachu in their description.
The description

your current filter.Wait. What are you talking about? Pikachu has nothing to do with this.