@The Smiling Pony
I am not going to lie, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these Background Ponies are either Derpy himself or people who suck up to Derpy and kiss the ground he walks on.
If anyone wants to hear my yapping about this statement, please read forward - But please, image uploader K. Dale’s, if you do not want this discussion in your image please tell me and I shall halt instantly. But since I believe you likely is in favor of my humble opinion being posted, I shall give it:
@The Smiling Pony
Don’t you have foalcon favorited? Isn’t that the definition of pedophillia?
“For images of underage characters in a sexual context”
Welp… It is not as simple at that.
With the basic: Pedophillia is a type of mental disorder and should be only rightfully be refered as that - Not used the term of ‘pedo’ to attack persons because that will prevent people who have actual said mental disorder to seek treatment they need to avoid vitimization of society.
Pedophillia is not a crime because having a mental issue cannot be a crime (existance on the mere mind => no materialization that can be punished => law only punish materialized acts, not thoughts) - it is a mental disorder that may lead to crimes, but not necessarly will do so.
Foalcon is not exactly pedophillia per se, since we’re not talking about real humanas (different things => no relation/causation necessarly => not the same subject of study).
And if you’re talking about ‘pedophilia’ but meant ‘illegal/undearge sexual content’ the species still would play a role on the impact it could give, each country may have its own legislation up to the case… (1) You can have countries that would not consider foalcon [cartoon minor horses representation] as illegal but would consder lolicon [actual human minor representation] as illegal - In fact, this is stance of Derpibooru, allowing foalcon on cartoon non-humans but not on anthro/human as hinted by the Detailed description’s of the tag ‘foalcon’; (2) But then, you could have countries that would consider BOTH foalcon and lolicon legal [mine country, for example]. (3) And you could have a country that consider both foalcon/lolicon illegal.
The mere diference of species already plays a huge diference. Simply saying foalcon as equal to actual illegal/underage real content literally undermines the protection that the law trys to put on real children, and equally, it undermines[*] all work scientist may try to do when investigating and treating pedophillia (as a tretable mental disorder, as it is).
[*] Thought, the debate about if even the cartoon depiction of this is bad to soceity and protection of minors or not, and the debate on artistic freedom and its limits, real/non-real crime victimn and if the penal law should even care to punish it… Goes way deeper in the legal fields, and would be a subject too length to explain - And don’t get me started on how long it would be if we talk about ethics on it.
In short, the question is too complex on where to draw the line.. But Pedophillia being equal to foalcon is not correct because that is not what the word is meant to mean at all, even if there are some points in common, it would not be necessarly correct to use them as similar because there are too many diferences.
either they’re feeding you some very choice little snippets and you’re stupid enough to believe them, or you’re an asswipe that agrees with them and likes playing along… or you’re just them, incapable of just going away.
@Background Pony #CCF8
I should clarify I don’t mean this accusationally, I mistakenly worded it a bit like that though. I mean to say that it’s not really an unreasonable train of thought that would lead to them accusing someone of that, assuming the people they accused were in some way related to that content. I don’t have an opinion on it since I’m sure it’s nuanced but I wanted to point that out
Agreed. People should be able to do whatever they’re allowed to do without being harassed by other people to stop. In the context of .derpy. from what I saw they didn’t harass anyone about it, they just said the reason for splitting up to the people individually, when asked why, and moved on. Unless someone else has proof of them actually harassing people then shrug
I messaged .derpy on discord like @Background Pony #273A said and asked about this since all of the accusations here are kinda sus, there’s a lot of hate and crazy big claims with nothing that is actually verifiable. .derpy. sent me screenshots of what they said to people, like to a person who they said matched the description you gave, which seemed to boil down to that they didn’t want to be friends and wanted to go separate ways. I guess people thought that was them betraying people? Seems pretty cut and dry to me though based on what I was shown. They don’t like NSFW or people supporting it, and so they don’t want to talk to them. That’s their opinion and it’s stupid in a fandom like this if they want to be a part of it but that’s their problem. They didn’t make it anyone else’s problem other than putting space between themselves and other people like by removing them from their server. Maybe there’s more I’m not being shown but it doesn’t look like anyone has bothered asking them what they did directly, and asking for proof.
I also asked about that suing thing since that’s crazy if true and apparently it is. They said they threatened to sue derpibooru if they didn’t delete their account information as per privacy regulations. They told me it wasn’t because derpibooru didn’t reply in 24 hours, they said they specifically stated that it was only if the deletion took longer than 30 days since the request, and suing a company under those circumstances is well within their right.
My stance is clear: May you country consider the contents of this site as legal, no one should hold any right to hold you morally accountable for what you do here! besides, even if where you are the content os this site would be illegal, only a court of law would hold right to call you out, anyone else trying to do that likely would be suable under harrasement, slander, or whatever may it consider false acusations.
For my country, nothing forbides me being there, and as of how my constitution cites - No one in my country will every be forced to do, or not do something, if not by virtue of law… And thus, I am here to do whatever I want with this site’s content. Anyone who tells me to leave can go fuck himself, I’ll stay here in the open and shameless.
Honestly I am thankful of this image’s OC and comments telling about such people.
Hello, I am a victim of .derpy.‘s bullying. I recently deleted my Derpibooru account due to her joining a server I was in, and was worried about her stalking my profile once again. I remember a few months ago, she unfriended me because she thought I was a zoophile. All because I interacted with NSFW content. When I told her the reason for why I interact with this stuff so frequently, citing being groomed 4 times as a minor as one of the main reasons for doing so, as well as having a multi personality disorder that prevents me from being able to control myself easily, she did not care to acknowledge the fact I had these issues, nor did she care about me being on the spectrum in general. She completely brushed it off and said that she “takes a while to think things over” and left it at that. One of my friends got banned from her server for continuing to interact with NSFW content and I left her server in protest. She DMed me the next day saying that I wasn’t banned due to me no longer interacting with NSFW stuff. She even attempted to apologize for the confusion and scaring me and whatnot, but I did not accept her apology. I feel lots of anger towards her for completely ignoring my disabilities and bad experiences when I was younger, and instead hyperfocusing on her issues with people liking NSFW content. I honestly wish that I could do something to change her, as much as I don’t forgive her at all. I worry that I’ll be manipulated again if I try this, as I am very easily manipulated and have lots of trouble with letting go of people. I even had the consideration to kill myself because of how she disregarded my disability. Not in a way to gaslight her, but the way she blamed me for such irrational accusations and completely ignored all my pleas, made me feel like I wasn’t liked or loved as a person. To clarify, I was never in a relationship with her but I still looked up to her a lot. It felt like I was stabbed in the heart. .derpy. is an abusive person, and needs to pay for her crimes.
@Background Pony #273A
I have moved on from this drama but I am one of Derpy’s many victims and wanted to comment. There is a lot about Derpy that you probably don’t know about. Derpy is an awful person and a fraud. They are not as nice as they seem and not exactly the person they seem to be. Derpy has raging hate for all NSFW content and has gone to extreme levels of: being disgusted at random pieces of artwork that aren’t even NSFW but consider them NSFW personally, blocking and deleting any artist that has something remotely suggestive or NSFW in their gallery, stalking the Derpibooru profile’s of literally anyone to find out if they have NSFW favorited and then blocking them, calling innocent people pedos and zoos for being into NSFW content, threatening people, and even hurting people I know to the point where they got suicidal thoughts because of something Derpy did or said to them. There is a lot more than what I just mentioned. This situation is not people not liking Derpy because they don’t like NSFW. The situation is how cruel and awful Derpy actually is and how horribly they’ve treated people behind the scenes and their bad and poor actions just because they disapprove of NSFW content and will attack anyone who shows an inch of support and likeness towards suggestive and NSFW content. They act nice and play nice and you are probably very much fooled by their fake kindness.
@Background Pony #273A
Buddy they called me (and others) a pedophile and threatened to sue for not responding to their email within 24h. Not the only community they’ve gone after or tried to ruin (ask EqD). They can choke.
Doesn’t surprise me they play the “nice and reasonable person” card with others they hasn’t harassed, yet.
@The Smiling Pony
why are they bad to interact with? ive spoke to them a bunch and theyre nice. from what i heard they dont want their art on this site because of other types of content that is hosted here that they said they think should be illegal, not because they hate specific people like kdale. I messaged them about what kdale said and they said all they told kdale was to “please not credit me in the description”, and that they were disappointed to see kdale made a suggestive animation, but they didnt personally attack kdale and they sent me proof of that when i asked. It seems like people hate .derpy. because they dont like nsfw and dont want to be associated with anyone that interacts with it, but like message them and they will show you any proof you want proving they never attacked anyone like i hear rumors about
@Background Pony #2D60
It makes .Derpy. mad and that’s a really valid reason in the eyes of anyone that’s ever had the extreme displeasure of interacting with them and the Lord above.
@K. Dale
ok if there was some drama, but why you still post their art even after they personally attacking you for that? If they did that then you shouldn’t post their art in response. But you’re still doing that, tt’s like if someone attacked you but you still loved them despite that. This doesn’t make sense. Just why? Not trying to start drama, just asking as a human being
It’s all feels like an attack from .Derpy. themselves this time.
They have changed the description for why they have used DNP from something like “this site encourages pedophiles and zoophiles and I hate this af, fuck all of you” to “ohfhfhh I’m sorry but it has to be this way” (have saved the original screenshots of DNP description)
This morning I’ve got a DM from someone who have used to be on Derpy’s Discord server with emojis. They’ve being called zoophiles (as well as the other ones) if Derpy will find at least a mere fraction of suggestive content on your favourites and being wiped out from Derpy’s server for this. Derpy stalks users’ Derpibooru profiles who has joined their Discord server
Derpy wants to create a Derpibooru but without porn, zooph and pedo in their own view and post moderation just to post their own works elsewhere but not on Derpibooru
This seems like an easy loophole to just reuploading all of someone’s art they have a DNP against, especially given this person has got 4 posts now with this artist’s animations in the description (one of them that they did end up removing after the artist contacted them and requested it), but okay.
I am not going to lie, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these Background Ponies are either Derpy himself or people who suck up to Derpy and kiss the ground he walks on.
either they’re feeding you some very choice little snippets and you’re stupid enough to believe them, or you’re an asswipe that agrees with them and likes playing along… or you’re just them, incapable of just going away.
I should clarify I don’t mean this accusationally, I mistakenly worded it a bit like that though. I mean to say that it’s not really an unreasonable train of thought that would lead to them accusing someone of that, assuming the people they accused were in some way related to that content. I don’t have an opinion on it since I’m sure it’s nuanced but I wanted to point that out
Agreed. People should be able to do whatever they’re allowed to do without being harassed by other people to stop. In the context of .derpy. from what I saw they didn’t harass anyone about it, they just said the reason for splitting up to the people individually, when asked why, and moved on. Unless someone else has proof of them actually harassing people then shrug
Don’t you have foalcon favorited? Isn’t that the definition of pedophillia?
I have moved on from this drama but I am one of Derpy’s many victims and wanted to comment. There is a lot about Derpy that you probably don’t know about. Derpy is an awful person and a fraud. They are not as nice as they seem and not exactly the person they seem to be. Derpy has raging hate for all NSFW content and has gone to extreme levels of: being disgusted at random pieces of artwork that aren’t even NSFW but consider them NSFW personally, blocking and deleting any artist that has something remotely suggestive or NSFW in their gallery, stalking the Derpibooru profile’s of literally anyone to find out if they have NSFW favorited and then blocking them, calling innocent people pedos and zoos for being into NSFW content, threatening people, and even hurting people I know to the point where they got suicidal thoughts because of something Derpy did or said to them. There is a lot more than what I just mentioned. This situation is not people not liking Derpy because they don’t like NSFW. The situation is how cruel and awful Derpy actually is and how horribly they’ve treated people behind the scenes and their bad and poor actions just because they disapprove of NSFW content and will attack anyone who shows an inch of support and likeness towards suggestive and NSFW content. They act nice and play nice and you are probably very much fooled by their fake kindness.
Buddy they called me (and others) a pedophile and threatened to sue for not responding to their email within 24h. Not the only community they’ve gone after or tried to ruin (ask EqD). They can choke.
why are they bad to interact with? ive spoke to them a bunch and theyre nice. from what i heard they dont want their art on this site because of other types of content that is hosted here that they said they think should be illegal, not because they hate specific people like kdale. I messaged them about what kdale said and they said all they told kdale was to “please not credit me in the description”, and that they were disappointed to see kdale made a suggestive animation, but they didnt personally attack kdale and they sent me proof of that when i asked. It seems like people hate .derpy. because they dont like nsfw and dont want to be associated with anyone that interacts with it, but like message them and they will show you any proof you want proving they never attacked anyone like i hear rumors about
It makes .Derpy. mad and that’s a really valid reason in the eyes of anyone that’s ever had the extreme displeasure of interacting with them and the Lord above.
ok if there was some drama, but why you still post their art even after they personally attacking you for that? If they did that then you shouldn’t post their art in response. But you’re still doing that, tt’s like if someone attacked you but you still loved them despite that. This doesn’t make sense. Just why? Not trying to start drama, just asking as a human being
There’s a big drama story behind, I don’t want to spit out everything here
if they dont like you and are so against you uploading their art why are you doing it in all of your posts then
They have changed the description for why they have used DNP from something like “this site encourages pedophiles and zoophiles and I hate this af, fuck all of you” to “ohfhfhh I’m sorry but it has to be this way” (have saved the original screenshots of DNP description)
This seems like an easy loophole to just reuploading all of someone’s art they have a DNP against, especially given this person has got 4 posts now with this artist’s animations in the description (one of them that they did end up removing after the artist contacted them and requested it), but okay.
@Background Pony #A410
Apologies for the confusion. Descriptions do not fall under DNP.