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I know a lot of you won't agree with me about this, but, I just thought they would look adorable together. (Took me freaking hours to come up with an adult Spike designI think I've fainted. )
Indeed, but at a third of the resolution
Until you learned what will soon happen in my time
2-Runt doesn’t mean malformed. It just means the smaller one in a group. For example, in a group of normal-sized same-age siblings, the smaller one would still be teasingly called a “runt” even if his size still falls under the norm. Pretty cool of you to call anyone shorter than his peers “malformed”.
You’re also freely ignoring the fact that “runt” is also a common derogatory way for teenagers to reffer to younger kids who want to hang out with them. Much like “pipsqueak”. Not every word is always used by its textbook definition. Especially among younger people. You’re again cherry-picking the interpretation that most benefits your case and passing it as a fact.
3-I don’t think “earth dragons” are dangerous or offensive for anyone. Its the other way around. It seems the idea of him being drawn with wings (or growing them eventually) is offensive or dangerous to you, seeing as you’re the one who can’t stop complaining on every pic.
4-You got it backwards pal. I’m not the who’s always whining about people who give him wings and believe he will grow them eventually. Don’t try to turn this on other people, when you’re the one who always shows up just to complain. If this whole deal seems to be ruining the show for anyone, that’s you.
5-No one said they shouldn’t be tagged as winged Spike. Whether he will grow them or not doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t have them right now, so tagging it is ok. This was about you showing up in almost every winged Spiked pic just to whine about people drawing him with wings and trying to convince others that he will never get them because you think so.
6-What does the source of his egg has to do with this? You’re getting way off-topic.
7-I believe it was a local thing too (even though we have no way to know for certain). But this still doesn’t change anything. Unless you’re saying Torch assumed no hypothetical “earth dragons” would participate for whatever reason, this doesn’t really say anything, since apparently everyone is allowed to but the trial has a whole section meant to be passed flying.
Dragons are called to participate. The trial is designed to fly.
Possibility: The only other wingless dragon we know is overall about the same size as Spike, save for his oversized tail. He showed up but, interestingly, I don’t think we actually saw him participating after that, which suggests that just like Spike, he might’ve been allowed to drop out on account of being too young and not having wings yet. Unlike Spike, he had no reason to change his mind so he went home.
8-Every dragon we saw participating was teen-size aside from Spike and bigtail guy.
The bigger dragons not showing up doesn’t mean it was a local thing, just that the trial was likely for dragons up to teenage-stage and below. Otherwise your logic dictates that the only reason there were no adult dragons (in the dragonlands of all places :D) was because of pure dumb luck so that absolutely every single adult was even farther away from there than even Spike, who doesn’t even live there.
Woop, there it is.
Guess earth dragons really aren’t excluded from the call.
He was there, see him on the right side next to crackle?

your current filter.incorrect, they called him a Runt, not Young.
A runt implies that he’s malformed in comparison with others of the same age.
Also, why is the idea of an earthdragon so dangerous to everyone? Like, the idea of spike not having wings is somehow offensive. Spoiler: he doesn’t have wings but is still a dragon.
Shocking, I know, and apparently I ruined the show for you.
The fact is that Spike doesn’t have wings and thus, images of him being portrayed with wings should be tagged.
Oh, and apparently, according to you, there are a grand total of about 12 dragons that exist all over the world and the only females are youths around Spike’s age. Yeah, sure.
1: We DON’T know where Spike’s egg came from.
2: We DON’T know the exact location that Spike and Rarity were gathering gems when Spike got the call.
3: The call of the dragon lord was fairly local.
4: If it WAS world wide, where was the giant red dragon or the giant green dragon? What about all the other dragons who showed up in the “great dragon migration”?
5: He’s NOT the only wingless dragon. So where was this guy?

your current filter.Answer: It was a fairly local call for the youths and Spike just HAPPENED to be close enough for it to reach him.
In Dragon Quest the dialoge makes very obvious that they’re reffering to his lack of wings as a symbol that he’s still too young. They even said he had to fly on his mommy’s back for crying out loud, which meana they’re treating his lack of wings as an age issue again. And here the issue comes up again. He’s still a runt.
he’s somewhat premature
But don’t you find it weird that Spike is like the only Dragon without wings? And there doesn’t seem to be much variance in Dragon types for wings.
All the more reason I will be over the moon if he gets them in the show.
1:he most likely will never get wings
2: images where he has wings require the tag “winged spike”.
This is why i tjink we should upvote comments. Like yours and many other comments.
Can’t hold it back anymore! Let it grow! Let it grow! Turn away and sail the ship!