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I saw some concept art of sunny posted the other day and decided it was time to do a portrait of her.
This version of Sunny to me is a lot more scrappy. a greasy young mare who lives alone, tinkering and day dreaming in a lighthouse instead of making smoothies (why??). With her father being the one who taught her how to make her own toys as a kid, Sunny spends a lot of time maintaining the lighthouse by herself by day, and - instead of trying to convince the maretime bay ponies that other races are their friends - trying to convince them that they existed at all, by making her own wings and finding old magical gems to do basic and very temporary magic tricks. When izzy arrives, she would take more of Sunnys original goal, of trying to convince the bridal wood ponies that other races are their friends and would seek out one to prove it, leading her to maretime bay where she presents the invitation sunny sent years ago with her father. She has large buck teeth too, cause, its cute.
to be honest… sunny is my second favorite character in g5, behind izzy, but she seemed very flat. i mean, smoothie maker? really? boooring…
not provided yet
im more of a slushie pony :P
Tbf, it’s my heavy mindcanon that she probably is anyway, she just feels like it, if that makes sense.
Nice, means Im in touch with my gaydar when drawing gaymares