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Help fund the $15 daily operational cost of Derpibooru - support us financially!
I love their dynamic and once I found out their ship tag had only 9 pictures in it, I have decided to singlehandedly revive the ship, enjoy!
Thanks to my Patrons: powerbot, FABIANO SD, Oleg, MorningAura, Nicholas, Starlet jr, Byraganon, connoisseurOflewds, Marrotok, Chipotlaway, Zach D., Run1999, RayneOkami, Pete W., katarjin, ORbiTaL XD, NamelessNP, Azure Serenity, First Last, TRUx23, Turtuline1, Germ D. Gator, Terrenaven, Kevin A S., Life-Beat, Moon Post!
I’ll make sure to do more then :D