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Artist’s comment:
“Trixie is the highest level unicorn!”, was heard in the halls outside the counselors office moments prior.
ATG Day 9 (Makeup): Draw a pony as a filly or colt / Draw a pony sent back in time.
ATG Day 9 (Makeup): Draw a pony as a filly or colt / Draw a pony sent back in time.
Tried to go for a background for this one. Ended up a bit rushed on time, but I’m happy with how things turned out.
For a short while saturdays would have meaning again.
(She’ll also most likely give in and commit acts of prolonged non-consensual snuggling. Good thing she’s the empress now.)
Of course not, Twilight is basically Starlight’s mom like how Celestia is basically Twilight’s mom.
I believe Starlight wouldn’t mind that. It’s probably at least better than her real dad. :P
Oh, it’d be hilarious. But also a recipe for Starlight being all “Thanks, Trixie! Now I’m, like, 5 again and my former boyfriend is now my dad. I’m going to be in therapy forever.”
Yeah but it’s funny, and I like Sunburst. :P
Wouldn’t Twilight marrying Sunburst while adopting Starlight be slightly awkward and full of drama?
And Sunburst is their dad. :D
This needs to be a fanfic.