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Papa thorax and uncle pharynxone of thorax’s favorite duties is checking up on the hive’s grubs and young nymphs in the nursery. pharynx on the other hands is a bit less enthusiastic about this particular aspect of ruling the hive (he secretly enjoys it though. of course, he would never let anyling know that)
I don’t think monarchs need to worry overmuch about polls–
Just spitballing here - Thorax comes as a huge dork when he tries flirting, but is chick magnes when doing anything else (and needs an assertive gal, like Ember to make the first move). Pharynx on the other hand would try to find fit partners, like royal guards, griffins, dragons or ponies like Tempest. He would rather challenge for a fight than sex, though.
Fair, but I still enjoy the idea that Thorax and Pharynx, massive dorks that they are, have to once a year go out of the hive and into Equestria – And somehow seduce mares for the good of their kingdom-family. Seems like good fanfic fodder. Something I’d write if I knew how to write flirting.
Doubt it, especially after their Skittle phase started.