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Sure, Twilight. That’s what you said the last eight chapters.
I promised about… 3 years ago (!?) to make an omorashi image of Twilight Sparkle, so here she is! I’m sorry it took so long. Life gets in the way. Work, family, and other hobbies all ended up taking priority and I had to disappear for a while. I’m not going to promise that I’m back for good, but at the very least I can tie up this little loose end. If I get the urge to make another one, I’ll toss up another strawpoll and you can vote on which mare will be desperate next!
not provided yet
A number two part two: the base of her tail is hidden under a pile of manure
That’s nothing. My oc is named Eco Green. He’s a stallion and an alicorn, but he has eagle wings, long untamed dark green hair, blue eyes, a nice lime green coat and a cutie mark with the peace symbol on it.
He is an environmentalist.
Not to necro, but i feel it’s relevant since your comment is a reply to basically what i was gonna say.
EJ: walks in Howdy Twi…
TS: D-d-don’t mind me hehe. Just reading my book heh.
EJ: You look awful stressed. Like you really gotta…
TS: No I I don’t have too.
EJ: C’mon! Drop the act already. I know you have to pee.
TS: Ya think?!
EJ: We’ll like you told Rainbow, when you gotta go you gotta go. So go! Go before I have to grab the mop!
TS: But I’m almost done!
TS: OKOKOK! GEEZ! Language Empire!
EJ: I really don’t give a sh*t.
Their bickering however left Twilight getting out of the bed and walking to the door ONLY to start relieving herself IN FRONT OF one of her students. Empire watched in disgust and sympathy that his mentor was relieving herself where she wasn’t meant to. A few minutes later, she finished, blushing as red as an apple and her eyes started tearing up. Empire, ignoring the grand yellow lake below Twilight’s hooves, went to her to console her even though she didn’t listen to him.
TS: Sorry you had to see that. And I’m even more sorry I didn’t listen to you.
EJ: It’s alright. You’re my mentor, and my friend. No matter the outcome, I’ll still be your friend. We all have accidents, Twilight. We just need to learn from them later.
TS: Thanks Empire.
And the 2 start to hug one another like good friends do in Equestria. Twilight slowly started crying but Empire didn’t budge. He stayed right there until she got it together, AND he even cleaned the mess up with her.
Wow. Mini fanfic is in the books. Damn this went somewhere.
True. But you, that would be uncomfy and uncouth of her according to Rarity.
Or that
Yeah, just take them with you
No you are wrong
Yeah why not

your current filter.Indeed.
I think she’s too wrapped up in the book to think of that idea.
Spike needs to get a bucket for her xD