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You have a point.
If he even responds… if he’s in fact suffering from depression the least thing he wants to do is read his DMs on Twitter. People don’t easily talk about their mental trauma specially not to strangers.
If y’all are so concerned, DM him on Twitter.
Yeah, but his latest 8-10 artworks are all black/white grim stuff… when that’s not what he usually uploads plus when an artist goes into a dark grim theme artworks from a happy and colorful art theme that raises questions for the viewers.
Just because someone draws something less cheerful does not mean they are drepressed.

your current filter.И вот благовестие, которое мы слышали от Него и возвещаем вам: Бог есть тьмы, и нет в Нём никакой свет.
Just ‘cause someone’s art is dark or sad, doesn’t automatically mean their mental health is unstable.