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#FluttercordWeek Fluttercord-WeekI had an original idea, but this one has more story depth that might make more sense.Discord, who is only known by word for his magic, had met Fluttershy and her father at an event (much like a carnival). Fluttershy becomes fascinated with his magic, as well as the all sorts of creatures he was made up of. Later that evening, coming home from the festival. Her father left before her due to being called upon for important business. As she walked home, a couple ponies jumped her. she was robbed of whatever she had, bits, jewelry, some parts of clothing which were seen as valuable.She was very afraid, she gave them whatever they asked. But before things got violent- as she refused to give the one necklace she owned, Discord jumped in. The powerful creature had been strolling down the alleyway, typically meeting up with whoever wanted a bit of his kind of magic’s use. Fortune telling, bits, anything. But at this time, Discord recognized Fluttershy, and of course defended her. Although, he didn’t have to do much of anything for the two ponies to flee. Many ponies back off from Discord’s presence, mostly due to how much scarier he looked, both in size and power.Fluttershy’s father whom was much famous for his cloud collecting, going far and wide to find unique natural shapes and kinds, was very grateful. Asking Discord guard Fluttershy when out in public. They got along quite well actually, and Fluttershy felt much safe with him.Ever since Discord stepped in for the job, she hasn’t been attacked or been walked all over. Neither Fluttershy or her parents know Discord’s method of keeping others away from her. All they know is that he’s been very helpful and effective. When not guarding her, he still goes out gaining admiration for his power and magic.Both enjoy the company of eachother.
Its ok folks, with cartoon logic- any of the anvils or other methods Discord uses of scaring off the other ponies is no harm to them :) Just a scare.
and discord is preventing that. he doesn’t need to have his son run around in a batsuit