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10 Years Older
The 10th Anniversary of My Little Pony FiM was a few days ago.
So yeah, she’s 1% MILF-ier.
One day you are a 1000 year old babe, and out of nowhere BAM! A decade goes by.
Can i have my 10th anniversary badge?
Edit: And how much younger was LUNA?! 😳
Edited because: Math doesn't add up o.o
She lies about her age to seem younger.
That’s why I said “well over”
Uh… our conventional numeral system is already base 10.
she raised the sun when she was 0-1 years old? I haven’t seen that episode but in the comics they were already fillies before they started raising the sun/moon.
Yeah, in the same way I’ve blown up the Death Star fantastically: not at all!
She aged fantastically though.
According to the books, that was when they were teenagers. So she’s at least 1124 and at most 1130.
you’re not wrong
Well, women always lie about their age