Much to his surprise they had been very supportive of the idea. However it all hinged on one important fact. Would the Apple family be okay with it? He was willing to pay for his train ticket, room and board, and he was certain that Applebloom would love it, but what about her big brother Big Macintosh her older sister Applejack or Granny Smith? He’d only met them once and now he was asking to spend at least couple weeks at their farm. Would they agree to it?
Adding to his apprehension was the realization after checking the calendar on his bedroom door that summer vacation started in a couple of weeks. So he was kind of late in asking to visit. He’d send a letter tomorrow morning before school, but even using express mail it would take 3 days to get there and another 3 days for Applebloom to get back to him. And that assumed she’d use express mail as well. So even in the best case scenario that was almost an entire week before he’d know yes or no.
Stone Mane chewed on his lower lip nervously. His next Dream Realm meeting with Luna and Applebloom wasn’t for another 5 days. True he could get an immediate answer from Applebloom then, but he was more concerned with the rest of her family. So he’d have to wait for her to wake up to ask them. Then she’d have to send some form reply to him.
Besides the colt felt he should physically send a letter to AB’s family. Not count on her to relay his message to them. If he was serious about this he should be willing to put his intentions in writing.
There had to be a faster way to get a message to her? As the colt laid there in the dark an idea dawned on him. There was another option.
The colt left early for school the next day. Along his regular route Stone Mane made a slight detour and entered a building he’d walked past hundreds of time but had never given it any thought. The bell hanging above the door tingled as the colt entered the lobby of the Baltimare branch of the Royal Equestria Telegraph Office. Half a dozen ponies in the front part of the building were busily sitting at desks getting first messages of the morning organized for delivery or sending. Behind them dozens of ponies were sitting at telegraph stations sending or receiving telegrams from all over the kingdom. The constant clatter of a telegraphs created a dissonant room tone.
The stood colt there in the lobby of the office uncertain what he should do next. Fortunately a young mare noticed the confused colt and came trotting over. “Um, hello. Do you need assistance?”
This jogged the bewildered colt into action. “Oh! Um! Good morning! I, I wanted to know how one went about send a telegram to somepony? I’ve got all note to send to somepony and I need it get there right away! I’ve even written down what I need it to say!”
Stone Mane reached into the front pocket of his school panniers and fumbled around for a moment. Eventually he produced a roughly folded piece of paperwork. He felt like he was turning in his homework. “And I’ve got money to pay for it to!” He added.
The mare smiled. “Well. You’ve come well prepared. Lets go over to my desk and we’ll get your message on its way.”
The school bell hadn’t finished chiming yet when Applebloom and the rest of the CMC came boiling out of the schoolhouse along with most of the class. Once again they were free from it’s imprisonment until tomorrow. Applebloom was thrilled at her upcoming trip to Canterlot. In just 2 days she’d be flying up to the Royal Palace to spend an evening with Princess Luna studying the stars with one of the princess’s own telescopes!
She was so excited and chatting with her friends about the trip that she literally ran into a young stallion standing at the front gate of the schoolhouse. After a frantic series of embarrassed apologies from all parties Applebloom got a look at the pony she’d collided with. She recognized him and his uniform as being a pony who worked at the train station in the telegraph office.
“Oh! Um! I’m a sorry!” Said the filly as he readjusted her panniers. “I was, uh, distracted.” Her friends giggled at her inattentiveness.
“Well. It’s alright.” Said the station as he straighten his tie. “I came over to the schoolhouse hoping to run into you. Well, not literally but this saves me trip all the way out Sweet Apple Acres. Here this is for you!”
The stallion proudly gave the filly a now slightly crumpled envelope with her name on it. The filly eagerly grabbed it and tore one end open. There in the middle of the road she unfolded it and started reading it. As she did a smile crept further and further across her face.
“Well. What is it?” Scootaloo asked looking both amused and confused at the same time. “Who’s it from?”
With that she shot off like a bullet from a gun leaving her bewildered friends and the stunned telegraph pony standing in the middle of the road. After a second the stallion spoke meekly.
“Uh, you’re welcome.”
Sweetie Belle looked down the road at the vanishing filly and then back at the stallion. She sighed and pulled a couple coins from her pannier and gave it to the stallion. “Here you go. Thanks for your help.”
The bewildered stallion accepted the tip. “Thanks.”
Applejack was sitting at the billing desk in the farmhouse living room trying to make sense out of an article in the latest Ponyville Grange newsletter when she heard the front door fly open. This was followed by a thundering of hooves down the hall.
The mare looked just in time to see her little sister slide to a halt in front her and promptly sit down on her haunches. Clasped between her lips was some piece of paper. Like some expectant puppy with a stick she sat there and stared up at her big sister while her tail thumped on the wooden floor.
"What the hay is gotten in ta ya?" asked the filly's bigger sister. "And what's that yer holding in yer mouth?"
As if AJ statement was some command Applebloom leaped up into her big sister’s lap. “It’s a telegram from ah Stone Mane!” The filly shoved the piece of paper into AJ’s face.
“He’s asking if can come here and visit me this summer! He’s willing ta pay fer his train ticket plus his room, board and he’s even willing ta help around farm! His kin are alright with it so can he come sis? I guarantee he’ll be a good guest and I’ll be able ta show him all kinds of neat things around the farm and town. Oh please say he can come! Please please please!” The filly’s tail was thumping in time with her plaintive pleases.
“Whoa there sugar cube! I’m alright with him ah visiting, but lets talk ta Big Mac and Granny over dinner tanight. O–”
Before she could even finish her answer Applebloom gave AJ a bone crushing hug and then tore back out of the house to do her afternoon chores. The yellow-orange mare just smiled and shook her head. Then she went back to her newsletter.
To be continued.