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I don’t see it
…whats the catch?
“Twilight, from the earliest days of my guiding you under my wing to where you stand now— you always tried your best to look at everything from a new perspective. Intentional or not you always found out how to make even the smallest things work out.”
“But that was back then, what about now? I don’t feel ready to rule as a princess yet, Princess Celestia! What if I do something wrong, or don’t do anything at all? Or say the wrong thing? And my friends… Oh my friends, what if we begin to drift apart? What kind of role model would I be setting if I can’t even maintain all these womdeful friendships I’ve made?! Princess Celestia, I’m sorry but I’m just not-”
“Princess Twilight Sparkle, that is enough.
“You are so much better than you truly think you are my dear pupil. Your thoughts and feelings are perfectly valid, but just know that you are better than what you think you are Twilight. This past year you’ve been through so much, both good and bad. Just know that whatever happens, your friends will be there by your side no matter how bleak things may get; that Princess Cadence, Luna, and I will be there for you to help you a just to alicornhood; and that Equestria looks up to you and is right behind you. Things may seem confusing now, but believe in my word when I say that it will all get better Twilight.”
”…You really think so?”
“Of course. It’ll be okay, Princess Twilight.”
“Thank you… Thank you so much Princess. I don’t know what’ll come next, but at least I feel a little better for whatever the future holds.”