Sandbar: You saying you don’t want a doughnut Smolllldy *smirks*
Smolder: *Grumbles and takes one*
Yona: Dragon made good choice.
Gallus: Where did you whip these from at such short notice anyway? They actually taste fresh.
Silverstream: There were loads of backup treats at the ball! They would’ve been thrown away if we didn’t nom them. And that’d be sad!
Ocellus: Wait. These are stolen?!? Silver! That’s a horrible thing to do!
Silverstream: Huh? Nonononono. Professor Pinkie Pie was in tears at the thought of them being chucked so she let me take as much as I could carry!
Ocellus: Were they Professor Pinkies to give away?
Silverstream: *Scratches beak* Huh… I never thought to ask that…
Gallus: Contraband doughnuts. These suddenly taste a lot more interesting…
You wanna give us an earthquake dance by Yona and all of them for a second time