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Yep, every pony have secret place for escaping of real life and Applejack is not exception)Just did one more attempt to draw picture for hour.
I noticed that too. Maybe she got Twi to enchant it with an illusion so she can hide from her family and even some of her friends when she needs a moment alone to recharge?
-wWritten by Applejack
AJ: “Because it’s the same distance from your castle to my barrel than from my barrel to your castle.”
I don’t know if this is a reference or something, but is pretty cute, and I love the idea.
And in this case, the description wasn’t important.
And my point is, he’ll post it in the comments here, and he yet he doesn’t post it on his own uploads.
Sure, other uploads do include the description, but to nitpick which need it added and which don’t is hypocritical.
I would have loved to have something like this for school between classes.