The Cutie Mark Crusaders back in action! And they have a special client.
One of my headcanon is that Tempest doesn’t have a cutie mark (even tho it seems like she has a talent with fireworks). She never really cared about getting it, nor does she now. But Twilight thought it would be good for her if she spends some time with other ponies, so here she is.
“We haven’t really worked with adults before, but Ah’m sure we can help you!”
“You mentioned on the application form that you used to like fireworks. That sounds like a real promising place to start!”
“We never got around to trying to get cutie marks in this, because nobody would sell us explosives, but since you’re an adult that won’t be a problem!”
least it would be entertaining?

your current filter.good question
I think you mean a VERY VERY BAD idea
“We haven’t really worked with adults before, but Ah’m sure we can help you!”
“You mentioned on the application form that you used to like fireworks. That sounds like a real promising place to start!”
“We never got around to trying to get cutie marks in this, because nobody would sell us explosives, but since you’re an adult that won’t be a problem!”
“Is there a necromancer in the building?!? If so, your services are desperately required!”

your current filter.U is for… uhhhhhh….