I really miss my parents, who are very far away, and during this difficult world situation, I worry about them.
I wanted to write about my feelings while I was draw this. But just say that I want to cry.
hope you enjoy this piece! https://t.co/tWCir3bLyK
I hope that you’re taking care of yourself, zazush-una. I’m very familiar with pushing poo ain and sorrow into your work. I hope you’re happy and safe.
“October is a symphony of permanence and change.” (Bonaro W. Overstreet)
That’s what I was thinking, that it was just some generic, identity-less alicorn. Hard to tell if it’s Twi if there’s no color, cutiemark, or any defining feature.
The statues in the back, I think. No idea how anyone is supposed to tell who those statues are of, though. They could be Twilight, but they could also be Celestia and Luna. Maybe even some generic, identity-less alicorns.
Exactly. Time will not remain static, and you’ll never know when the clock will stop.
Of course. She died October of last year. We all know our doom, but not the hour.
Amen to that, friend.