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Silverstream: Professor Fluttershy really finds all the strangest creatures in the Everfree Forest
Ocellus: And the cutest ones too!
Smolder: I think the strangest creatures are still found at this school…
Gallus: “Unique” - not strangest.
Sandbar: And it’s only going to get stranger when more creatures will be invited.
Yona: Yona wonders what other creatures headmare will invite to school…
Silverstream: I’ve always wanted to meet a hydra!
Gallus: I will be staying constantly at high altitude for the rest of my enrolment if she does…


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Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

oh heeey it’s Ori, I haven’t seen that l’il guy in forever…what year did that game come out again?