I just looked them up and I’m surprised these really exist. I would have thought for sure people would be talking about the announcement of the controller on a message board I visit. I guess this shows how strong the influence form the Melee crowd is.
I did see one reference a while back to a “wireless GameCube controller” but I thought they were talking about the WaveBird.
Oh that’s cool! I’m pretty budget conscious though so unless they’re on a cheap sale I think I’ll just use gamecube controllers for smash though, cause my buddy and I have an adapter and a bunch of controllers already, and you can get more gamecube controllers for literally $3 on eBay. ^_^ Kinda curious about how well they handle other games though…
@O. Hancock
There are newer controllers for the Switch that have the Gamecube controller shape. They added a ZL as well as +, - and Home buttons to the original design so that it has the same number of buttons as the Switch standards and can be used to play all Switch games.
The official variant is wireless but there is a third party (PowerA) that makes almost exact replicas that can be wired.
What kind of third party gamecube controller does Pinkie Pie have? Is that a programmable macro button like on the old Madcatz controller on the top left of her controller? Or was that detail an oversight? Gamecube controllers don’t typically have a shoulder button in a position symmetrical to the Z button along the controller’s vertical axis, unless they are special function buttons from a third party controller. I am unaware of the existence of an indigo controller of this style, though, and it would be exciting to find that one exists. Thus is why I hope this detail here is inspired and not a mere oversight. :)
I just looked them up and I’m surprised these really exist. I would have thought for sure people would be talking about the announcement of the controller on a message board I visit. I guess this shows how strong the influence form the Melee crowd is.
I did see one reference a while back to a “wireless GameCube controller” but I thought they were talking about the WaveBird.
Oh that’s cool! I’m pretty budget conscious though so unless they’re on a cheap sale I think I’ll just use gamecube controllers for smash though, cause my buddy and I have an adapter and a bunch of controllers already, and you can get more gamecube controllers for literally $3 on eBay. ^_^ Kinda curious about how well they handle other games though…
There are newer controllers for the Switch that have the Gamecube controller shape. They added a ZL as well as +, - and Home buttons to the original design so that it has the same number of buttons as the Switch standards and can be used to play all Switch games.
The official variant is wireless but there is a third party (PowerA) that makes almost exact replicas that can be wired.
pinkie uses two snes controllers taped together. nopony has the heart to tell her they don’t work.
Good image, btw. Cute.