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your current filter.*Sniffle*
Why fix what isn’t broken, WooWoo?
That horse was funny in Over the Garden Wall
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought about that scene.
Yesss XD
Get a fake TV and make-up/clothes, and you can do a great Sadako (the ghost from The Ring movies).
I once freaked out someone by crawling through the small opening in the backrest of a chair.
You know, one of these.
At the times I was 5”0 (currently 5”3) but I sure I very likely would still fit, given that my weight hasn’t changed much either. XD
On the bright side, you’re compact and can fit into places easier.
; ;
Sadly, you will be forever smol.
He is a cruel god.
Let’s move this to the video game thread, OK?
I loved Fallout 1 and 2, even Fallout Tactics - Brotherhood of Steel.
And of course Fallout New Vegas sits in a class all of its own for its awesome story.
But I’m sick of James from Fallout 3 and I totally avoid interacting with the Institute in Fallout 4, but I do enjoy blowing them up though.
Now what I did enjoy in Fallout 3 that I didn’t get the same impact in Fallout 4 was the desolate exploration experience that I had while wandering through the ruined City Scape.
For whatever reason exploring the ruined Boston cityscape just wasn’t the same.
I really do enjoy watching the Brotherhood of Steel showing up in their blimp tho half-way through Fallout 4.
And watching the Boomers fly their plane over the damn at the end of New Vegas was awesome.
Trust me, the Classic games are just as buggy, and not as fun.
Bethesda makes (sarcasm) good stuff.
You can get it to go third-person by glitching out of the vault as a baby and talking to someone. Fallout is kind of a buggy series.