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That was hilarious
@Dirty Bit
Also if you follow ForgaLorga’s videos on Glimglam’s alicorn shenanigans… Actually… Tia has plenty of reasons for revenge.
I’ll bet she’s still sore over the cutie mark switcheroo
Yeah, let’s put the poor thing out of its misery.
I’m going to assume she’s sizzling because she’s going to pretty tasty really soon. 🥓
S: Don’t you bucking touch me!
Trixie: burns on fire from the sun AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Smolder: You deserved it because you turned me into a pony before I turned back into a dragon! So HA-HA!
Rarity: sigh Always Smolder…
“Glim Glam, how long have you been laying there?”
“I dunno. Six, maybe eight hours.”