2017: Regular Show and Samurai Jack Series Finales
2018: Adventure Time Series Finale
2019: Star vs The Forces of Evil, The Amazing World of Gumball and soon MLP: FIM Series Finales
(Possibly OK KO Let’s Be Heroes Series Finale also in 2019)
This is the end of an era.
I didn’t say, “it was over forever.”
The 4th Doctor
It was definitely an improvement over the cartoons we were getting from 2007 to 2010
I don’t want a reboot, but if PPG 2016 is anything to go by, CN will do the same to this wonderful show….money grubbing monsters :(
no! no reboots! just show the original
Hasbro seems to have busted the whole G5 thing, since we now have G4, though not FiM, stuff all through 2020, while G5 is still a ghost. Plus, it sounds like from an interview recently that Tara Strong is playing Twi in the 2021 movie…
Maybe the 2021 movie is the G4 finale, like the Steven Universe movie is supposed to be?
I was fine with SJ ending but I agree with Gumball’s ending…but there might be hope, the creator did say they might do a Tv Movie which would be the true series finale.
Agreed, they really pushed the boundaries of storytelling and character development, let’s hope the 2020’s push it even further.
We’ve had our laughs, we’ve had our cries, but as we all know, all good and great things, must come to an end.