
this is so cute
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- MLP Vector - Coloratura #48
https://orig00.deviantart.net/a313/f/2017/166/2/b/coloratura_rara_by_veronicamiranda-day3wrm.gif: I hope Applejack will love her “present”Yes, I know, unlike last year, I did only a few Coloratura vectors this 2018, mainly because of doing vector follow-ups for MLP Season 8 and pony commissions. But be assured that I still love this character and the blaze of her to appear in the show is still burning alive in me. Thank you so much to other MLP fan-artists who still creating amazing fan-arts of her, keeping her legacy alive in the fandom.UPDATE:
12/29/18 - Added on Equestria Daily’s Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #2844Want to commission us some pony? Click the link for info: https://www.deviantart.com/jhayarr23/journal/Commission-Journal-Open-755655028
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