I mean, the contest title DOES bear the name of my gender-bend alter ego!! WAIT, say what now—??!! OH, NOOTTHHHIINGG!! Just a SILLY ludicrous hypothetical thought!!!
That is YET to be SET in MOTION!!! Hehehehehehehehe!!!
Sweet Celestia…..what an ODD ODD felllow…
Discord Humanized Design: derpibooru.org/546261 (by megarexetera)
Busty Model: Ruby Blossom
Spike Humanized Design: Thanks for a wonderful Season 4! (by )
For more Master Q Parodies, go to: meiyeezhu.deviantart.com/galle…
I’m…not even gonna ask what those are
That’s why I recommend Thai titty slap massages!
if she does she’ll regret it, those things cause a lot of problems…horrible problems
I think I would prefer the first theory
Let me know if Ruby tries to sign up for illegal polypropylene transplants
Discord/Eris: If you wanna hook up, it’ll cost you your entire salary!